A Bit About Me
I have been chasing beauty in nature my entire life, trying to capture its essence in various ways.
I believe that every plant contains a signature expression, one that makes it as unique and individual as each of us. Cyanotype is a magical means for immortalizing these plant essences as a lovely offering for the world to enjoy. Nature grounds us, and has the ability to shift our state, if we let it. This form of "portraiture", if you will, brings nature's grounded + balanced calm indoors, something that's needed now more than ever.
Other notes: I've never met a flower that I didn't like, and one of my truest delights is simply surrounding myself with them. I'm continually captivated by natural light and the way it shifts with the passing of each hour. I feel strongly that I will never cease making art inspired by this beautiful planet, and am content with being known as the #PlantLady for the rest of my days.