wolfgang lexington
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A Bit About Me
Wolfgang Lexington is an artist, designer, and collector with a practice founded in self mythology. Things you'll never find her without include: a ring for every finger, a matchbook, and her flea market Nikon film camera.
Her work is multi-faceted in both theme and medium. Symbolism, ritualistic collecting, and emotional landscapes become the lens through which bricolages, photography, and poetry are transformed into vessels of obsession. The ephemeral qualities of found objects in varying states of decay emulates the way personal history is processed and crystallization brings an edge of uncertainty to the material development. Are these objects valuable because you are told they must be, or do they remain useless artifacts of a life the viewer knows nothing of?
Wolfgang Lexington graduated from the Savannah College of Art & Design with a BFA in Fibers and a minor in Art History. She currently lives and works in Western Connecticut where she designs wallpaper and textiles and maintains her personal art practice.